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Josey Student Brynn Hinton Wraps up a Successful Summer

Josey Student Brynn Hinton Wraps up a Successful Summer

Josey Student Brynn Hinton is coming home from a summer of Barrel Races with trophies spilling out of the trailer! 

Brynn’s summer run started at the end of June with the Summer Classic Barrel Race. Brynn’s partner, a mare called LegsGoneWild “Legs”, had been on a bit of a break due to an extensive breeding season. On their first run back they won the 2D and took home a buckle.  

Brynn then went on to the Waco Youth Elite Extravaganza. She and her gelding, Holland Guy, ran a 14.799 and clocked the fastest time out of the entire weekend of 3 open races. A feat so impressive that she landed in barrel horse news. 

Two weeks later in July Brynn entered the Breeders Challenge qualifier in Ardmore, OK.  She and Leslie Newman's mare, LegsGoneWild, won the youth and won 2nd in the open qualifying for the finale which will be held in Ft Worth this November. 

Continuing their winning streak the team traveled to Buffalo to attend a race by Cathey Productions. Brynn won the open and youth running the fastest time by 3 tenths on her gelding, Holland Guy.

With some great wins under their belt, the team then prepared to attend the Ruby Buckle Race in Guthrie, OK. Brynn racked up quite a bit of money there between the two horses she ran, with total weekend earnings of $11,076.

Her earnings were attributed to both horses over the course of the weekend. Brynn was 4th in the youth first round on LegsGoneWild and 7th in the round on Holland Guy. The first round of the open Legs placed 17th in the open 1D. Holland Guy ended up splitting 3/4 in the open 2D.

In the second round of the open, Legs ended up at the bottom of the 1D again.

She came back to the second round and was 7th on LegsGoneWild and unfortunately hit a barrel on Holland Guy

After the Ruby Buckle the team ended their summer at the ANHA in Waco on Labor Day Weekend, winning the second round 2D open, and then the Texas High School Rodeo Assn REGION III where Brynn won the youth both days and clocked the fastest time of the entire weekend out of all the high school jr high school and youth barrel racers.

We are so proud of you Brynn! Keep up the good work! 

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